PurityRings.com has an extensive line of quality purity rings for girls, guys, teens and Christians manufactured right here in the U.S.
While much attention is given to the love waits movement and purity rings for girls, many guys also value purity, abstinence and waiting, and they wear a purity ring to signify their commitment. One guy’s purity ring that is very popular is the Honor Respect Serve purity ring. Manufactured in solid sterling silver and hand polished for incredible detail and finish – this purity ring signifies a young man’s commitment to purity by Honoring, Respecting and Serving both God and others. He knows that his walk now will result in strong relationships with God, others, his family and of course his future spouse.
The guy’s Honor, Respect, Serve purity ring is available in in all full and half finger sizes between 7.0 and 12.0. Special orders are available upon request. These are outstanding quality purity rings at factory direct prices. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Quantity discounts are available for purity ceremonies and youth groups. All sizes are in stock for fast shipping. Every purity ring is attractively gift boxed. With every purity ring order a free 8.5″ by 11″ Covenant of Purity Certificate (suitable for framing) is included, as well as a free Purity Pledge & Prayer Card.
Please visit PurityRings.com today to see their full line of purity rings and jewelry. Join their Facebook Fan Page and Twitter following for daily encouragement and inspiration too!